Well, lets break it down a bit here. I started out the year with the 30 day shred and completed it...
Then I took on Chalean Extreme for 3 months. I finished month one and two but in April I injured my hip and stopped most activity aside from walking.
Speaking of my hip injury, I injured it during a 14 KILOMETER run! Who would have thought... especially when I was 307lbs that I (Megan Armstrong) would RUN for 14k straight! Well I did stop to pee once, but other than that, I did NOT stop!
After that I took it pretty easy until June. I struggled during that time, feeling like a failure with my injury and ate my feelings. Then one of my friends suggested... THE KUSAM KLIMB (caps for dramatic effect only... I'm not really yelling people). Just a brief overview (you can click the link for full details) but it was a 23k course up and over a freaking mountain... and I saw a real live hungry bear.
Then came morning sickness, fatigue and all the other joys that aren't super conducive to living a super healthy lifestyle.
Also the second half of the year I have had to deal with my own personal battle with anxiety and a few other personal family issues that took my focus away.
SO... *breath* even though I am 'only' 10lbs lighter, I have also accomplished amazing things, I have gained a fetus, and I am (currently) back on track living a healthy lifestyle (thanks to no more morning sickness and not being as big as a whale yet!).
One last thing, and its definitely not the least... I have been a pretty darn awesome mom to my two kiddos!!
Lots of people are talking about goals for next year. This new years, I'm not putting any extra pressure on anything. I will try my best to live each day to its full potential while balancing it with relaxation, family time and rest off my feet once I'm at full-blown-fetal-capacity!
Love your post - Im doing chalean right now, did day 1 yesterday :)
ReplyDeleteCongrats on baby #3 - if I could get someone to grow one for me I might consider a third :)