Saturday, 7 July 2012

Productivity in Laziness (Meghan Tonjes)

I am having a lazy day.

Jeff (my Husband) and I went out to a friends 30th birthday party last night.  Since having children, we don't really get out to socialize often, with the exception of the last few weeks. When we do go out, if there is alcohol involved, I'm pretty much guaranteed to fully take advantage of my freedom.  

This morning may have been painful for me. 

Saturdays are usually a jam packed day around here where I get the kids out of the house and get stuff done, but given my "condition" I decided it was a good day to veg.  

Now you may ask how I could have been productive.

I have just spent the last 6 hours exploring the world of this girl:

I found her on Skinny Emmie's Blog a few days ago and I have become totally captivated. 

Can I just say that I'm totally having a one-sided beav-mance (the obvious alternative to a bro-mance) with Ms. Meghan Tonjes.  Not only does she seem to have an awesome, funny, smart, witty, sassy personality, but she SINGS too!! 

After checking her out more and watching way too many of her videos I feel so much more motivated to continue on my journey as a whole person.  Discovering Tonjes and her Project Lifesize (a YouTube channel about self acceptance) gives me hope that I can be happy and strong enough to continue on in my journey and create the Megan 2.0 I set out to.  I have not failed, but encountered an obstacle that needs to be conquered, and its about damn time I get the guts to try again.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! She is awesome! Thanks for sharing. I'm so happy to hear you've found your stride again.


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