Thursday, 21 June 2012

Good-bye 20`s

That`s it.   Today it the last day of my 20`s.  I`m no longer a child, teenager, or young adult.  I really am an adult now.  It`s that moment I have dreaded my whole life.  You know that moment when you have officially grown up? You'd think that it could have sunk in already. There have been some hints along the way:  I'm a wife, a mother and a business owner.  

I've made a million and one mistakes.  I've dated bad men, had bad jobs, allowed myself to be taken advantage of, watched my idols fall off their pretty pedestals, bought too many shoes, arrived home from travelling with only change in my pockets, tried to save people who did not want to save themselves, lost weight, gained weight, spent too much money, lived broke, said mean things, judged others, cared too much what others thought, and so many more.  

I'm so happy I could make so many wonderful mistakes, and that (even though some I needed to make over and over and over and over again) I have learned from them.  

I have quite a few things I am proud of myself for as well: I have lived in the city, travelled, made great friends, met and married the man I believe I will love until death do us part. I have two perfect children who keep me on my toes, they are everything to me. I have built my own business. When times got tough in my marriage, we chose to put in some serious work, and now feel like our grass is so green that we don't even look at the other side.  

Especially in the last year I have done a lot of work on actually BEING the person I want to be.  My goals are to act with honesty, integrity and purpose... 90% of the time.  I am honest with myself more than ever before.  I take responsibility for my actions, positive or negative.  I don't claim to be perfect because I am quite the opposite, but I am open to accepting my flaws as character, and owning up to my mistakes to learn from them.

As I look back on my 20's I can say I learned a lot of valuable lessons.  I had a lot of good things, and a few really horrible things.   My 20's were like a roller-coaster, going to extremes and just starting to even out in the end.  Even though there were really rough patches, patches that I would never want to re-live again, I would never change any of it.  Each lesson has helped shape a part of me, and while I am still a work-in-progress, I like where I'm headed.

My hope for my 30's is that I can have more balance in my life, enjoy all the small things, and conquer things that I had once considered impossible.  This starts the day after my birthday as I conquer the Kusam Klimb. I'm excited to see where the next 10 years go, but I'm not in a hurry at all to get there. 


  1. Danielle aka PixiesX321 June 2012 at 20:50

    Happy Birthday, Megan! You have so much insight into life and a great outlook for the future!

    May your 30's be everything you imagine and continue in your healthy journey!

    Happy Birthday!!!!

  2. Yay 30's!!! I cant help but giggle when I see people absolutely DREADING their 30s. Theyre not so bad really! I found myself nodding with a lot of similar things I went through in my twenties that you did and though I wouldn't change any of it I also wouldn't want to go back and be that age again (but maybe thats just me). ITs exhausting dammit LOL welcome to the thirties lovely :0) Happy birthday!


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