Saturday, 25 August 2012

Ready for September!

Taking some down time today.  Time to just relax and go where the day takes us.  Even if that means just playing, cleaning and watching movies all day.

Spring/Summer always has me feeling exhausted and over-reached by the end because I focus so much on getting my kids out and experiencing exciting things.  This year we've gone to parks, Butterfly World, Beacon Hill Petting Zoo, numerous community events, hiked, camped, seen logger sports, gone boating, gone to the top of mountains, seen giant sand castles, bumper boats, monster trucks, car races and much much more.

Between running my daycare (with my two kiddos in it) 40-50 hours a week, then taking my kids out to do things every weekend and only have one "family" day per week (as my husband works 6 days a week currently) its no wonder I have been off-track this summer.  I'm lucky I have handled my weight as good as I have, not to mention my hip injury.

With another stressful week ahead of me, I am welcoming September with open arms.

On Friday I had to say good-bye to one of my daycare families who has been with me almost 2 years, and next Friday I will have to say good-bye to 3 more.  I've had to say goodbye to a lot of kids in my career, but these are the first set that I have been with every day, 5 days a week, for two years plus.  It's affecting me a lot more than I anticipated.  I find myself hoping I have done my job and helped prepare them to take on their new adventures.  I'm also sad for my kids and the few I have staying, to lose their friends who they have grown to love over the last few years.  I wonder/hope these children will still remember me in a few years. I know I don't remember ANY of my daycare teachers from that age.

I would like to handle these feeling by going out for a run, but this STUPID hip injury has me limited to biking, weights and low-impact cardio... Its just not the same!!

I really feel like September will be getting back to normal and allowing me to focus on myself more.  All my transitions will be complete, and I'll be ready to make some new goals.  I have the book "The New Rules Of Lifting For Women" on its way, and I'm hoping I like it and can start it at the gym.  I also should be recovering from my hip injury and be able to get out running again.  September just seems like such a good time to re-focus, even more than I already have.  I'm not off-track right now, but I'm not going full steam ahead either.


  1. I am sorry you can't run right now with your hip injury. That must be frustrating!

  2. Setbacks happen to us all, myself included. We just press forward and work with what we have in front of us! I know you are strong and will snap back fast! On the subject of you saying goodbye to your kiddos in daycare, that must be bitter-sweet! Much love to you! ♥

    1. Thank you! Very bitter-sweet. Then I'll have some new children to care for. Change is scary though :P


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