Thursday, 6 September 2012

10 Day WIN & Pumpkin Fluff

10 completed days on Weight Watchers!!  Yay me!!  I am 1/4 way through my mini goal of staying within my WW points for 6 weeks!

I've been getting more and more comfortable with Weight Watchers and would say this week has been less challenging for me.  I'm not quite as hungry as I was last week so that's been making it easier.  I'm also getting the hang of inputting all my foods.  It sure is a nice break from calorie counting.

One thing I haven't been doing as much of this week is exercise.  I wanted to get in more, but I have found myself really busy with the beginning of the school year.  I've decided not to stress too much about this and just work on doing what I can for now.  I DID however finally receive my copy of The New Rules Of Lifting For Women in the mail yesterday!  I plan to read the book and then get started on my workouts. For the food portion I will take into account what they say, but probably just stagger my weekly points to use (some) on lifting days. 

One of my Facebook Page fans gave me a fantastic recipe!  The recipe is for Pumpkin Fluff.

1 can pumpkin puree
1 tub 95% Fat Free Cool Whip
1 package Sugar-Free Fat-Free Vanilla pudding mix
1 tsp pumpkin pie spice

Thaw the cool whip.  Combine ingredients and mix well in a bowl.  Chill for 20min and serve!

Basically you can eat it on its own, with graham crackers (or other sweet cracker) OR as I discovered this morning, as a topping to your oatmeal!   This stuff is absolutely delicious and filling.  1/2 cup works out to 1-2 PP. I always overestimate and say 2 because I feel like I'm treating myself big-time when I eat it!.


  1. You know what's nuts? The pumpkin purée and sugar free devils food cake make AWESOME cupcakes. And it's only 100 calories per cupcake. I will have to try your recipie soon!

    1. That sounds awesome!! I wonder if I could find the sugar-free devils food near me!!

  2. Sounds like something that would help with sweet cravings :)


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