Tuesday, 4 September 2012

My new addition!

I decided to get this tattoo after completing the >Kusam Klimb< back in June.   The Klimb itself (23k total including a 5000ft elevation gain) was intense and had me in tears, many a time.  There were times I thought I couldn't go on, times I felt like I was one slip away from severe injury or death, times I wanted to quit... but one step at a time I conquered that mountain.  When I crossed the finish line, one of the organizers yelled at me "YOU ARE TOUGH ENOUGH" and it really hit home.  Not just for climbing the mountain, but for many many other reasons.  I realised... I AM tough enough... 

This tattoo will serve as a reminder to me that when things get hard or I doubt myself, that I CAN do it... It may not be easy but I am Tough Enough.

This tattoo was done by Jacques Pouliot of Frenchman Tattoo in Campbell River


  1. Love love love it! The placement is awesome too... I wish I was ballsy enough to get a tattoo as bold as that :)


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